There was this edgy comic strip artist in the 70’s named Robert Crumb. In one of his more famous comic strips, a young man is gifted a headless woman’s body. This large, muscular body was fully functional - despite the lack of head - and could even walk on its own.
The young man, as soon as he was alone with it, takes this woman’s body (which is drawn with almost too much detail), pins it up against a wall, and fucks it. As he climaxes, he regrets the whole act and is haunted by the idea of what the woman would have thought, had she not been headless.
This grim scene might be triggering for some, yet it could be argued that Crumb, in his crude way, is highlighting the powerful and often repressive nature of human sexual desires, sparking a candid conversation about sexual impulses and moral boundaries.
At least, that’s what my interpretation of his comic strip was until I watched a documentary about Crumb’s life. In it, he admits that he masturbated to his art and, most likely, that comic; instantly, he turned a dark satire with a social commentary into just some homemade pornography.
So, with that in mind, I think it’s a good time for me to assure you that I did not masturbate to any of the art that I am about to show you. I want to make it clear that I am a firm believer that none of the art here can be considered porn unless someone masturbates to it. So before I can show you what I have created, I need you to agree that you are here for the art, and you promise to listen to me when I say:
Do not masturbate.